
Follow the steps to install Structured Dendron Tree

First Steps

I highly recommend installing the Structured plugin in addition to Structured Tree (See Recommended Plugins ). This makes it a lot easier to rename, refactor and manage your notes.

Prepare Your Notes

Before you begin, backup your notes so you can easily go back if you wish

Ideally for this plugin, all your notes should be in one folder. This will make it easier to manage. Each Vault acts as a top level folder (See Vaults for more info). If you don't have that many notes, you can start by renaming your files manually. If you have a large collection, I would recommend taking a look at the Dendron Importer in the Import section below.


As of now, there are no native way of importing your existing notes and converting them to the Structured format. If you wish, you could try to use the Dendron Importer and then add your notes back to Obsidian after. Here you will need to do your own research.


I would recommend adding a text property to your notes that holds the custom title you want to display in Lookup and the Tree View. The default is title.

See Special Properties for more.

First Vault

Make sure to add your first vault in the Plugin settings. This will allow the plugin to see the notes in the folder you select. For more info about Vaults, see the Vaults page.